




实施政策设计减少环境影响,同时确保食物垃圾被管理资源以有效的方式需要适当的理解相关问题的复杂性(Herczeg 2010)。有许多的食物浪费问题参与管理同时发生在维度的环境,经济和社会。

因此,作为一个重大的政策,它可以承认,减少通过恢复和预防处置废物;也可以在保护环境免受破坏和提供文化、经济、社会和环境的优势(Lorente 2001)。因此,重要的是复苏的鼓励措施和预防那些已知的行业之间产生相当数量的食物浪费的其他废物流。


Certain tips can also be followed by travellers for ensuring reduction in wastage of food (Eve 2010). These include prompt refrigeration of left- overs for preventing them from being waste, asking for smaller portions while placing order for food, packing a cooler for purchasing food items such as meats and cheese, and carrying out food when cannot be finished.

However, travellers can be seen to be making conscious decision for preventing the wastage of food when travelling in a significant manner that is affecting the level of food waste in a positive manner.

Implementation of policy designed for minimizing environmental effects while making sure that resources of food waste are being managed in an effective manner needs appropriate understanding related to the complex nature of the issue (Herczeg 2010). There are a number of issues involved in management of food waste that take place concurrently amongst the dimensions of environment, economy and the society.

Thus, as a significant policy, it can be acknowledged that decrease in the disposal of waste through recovery and prevention; and it also can contribute in protecting the environment from damage and providing cultural, economic, social and environmental advantages (Lorente 2001). Hence, it is important for encouraging initiatives of recovery and prevention between those sectors that are known to be generating significant quantity of food waste with respect to the other streams of waste.

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