





The disposable income and wealth are other elements of the social class of a child. Educational inequalities are one of the main concerns that affect the educational system in the nation. Children who belong to poor family background are deprived of good educational opportunities and this result in a poor academic background of the student due to the incapacity of the student to get in to good schools. Even in the higher education system in the country, the educational inequalities as a result of poor family background of the child will affect in an adverse manner. Most of such students, though academically well in their studies, get less opportunities to pursue higher education due to the heavy fees structure. Hence, such social class issues can create a major mark in the student identity either in positive or negative manner (Pianta, Robert, and Daniel Walsh, 2014).
Masculinity and femininity differences are another issue that is widely seen in the school. Male students and female students are at times discriminated in the school by teachers or other staffs at school. These kinds of discrimination can affect the mindset of the children very badly. They may feel discriminated and set aside by others at school. This can be a factor of de-motivation to the students. It is often seen that most of the schools gives privilege and preferences to the male children when compared to female students. Academic and other extra-curricular activities may reflect this type of gender discrimination.

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