


克雷斯曾与Leeuwen主题开发的主要方法来定义图像符号学的基本原理即视觉符号学。他们试图想出一个符号学领域的全面视图及其在视觉领域中的应用。动态领域已经发生了翻天覆地的变化由于技术的新趋势,西方文化和全球化的散度。为了定义符号的视觉结构计划,他们使用所涉及的参数向量。向量是一个假想线。参与者矢量图的人。各种实体和过程采用视觉在这个过程中所示。矢量图显示的图形描述的流的终极目标或达到目标。中间的动作或发生的方法达到我们的目标和定义为牵引(Van Leeuwen,2004)。在现实世界的应用程序很多因素需要复合前的终极目标。实际的向量图变得非常复杂和困扰观众。做一些外延是为了理解流。在这种情况下就会强制要求图的设计师优先考虑实体和行为发生。概念表示的元素,它变成了强制性的分类和地址相关联的特定属性。流的方向矢量图的箭头表示动作的方面和流动。


Kress had themes with Leeuwen to develop the primary methodology to define the fundamentals of graphic semiotics i.e. visual semiotics. They had tried to come up with a comprehensive view of the field of semiotics and its application in the visual arena. The dynamics of the field had changed dramatically owing to the new trends in technology, the divergence of the western cultures and the globalization. In order to define visual structure of the semiotic plan and the parameters involved they used vector. The vector is an imaginary line. The participants of the vector diagram are the people. Various entities and the processes they adopt are shown visually in this process. The pictorial depiction of the vector diagram shows the flow in which the ultimate goal or the aim is reached. The actions or the methods that happen in the middle to reach the goal are known and defined as the tractions (Van Leeuwen, 2004). In real world applications many factors needs to be compounded before the ultimate target is reached. The actual vector diagrams become very intricate and perplex the viewer. Some denotations are done in order to understand the flow. In such a scenario it becomes mandatory for the designer of the diagrams to prioritize the entities and the actions that takes place. For the conceptual representation of the elements, it becomes mandatory to classify and address the specific attributes associated with it. The direction of flow of the arrows of the vector diagram signifies the aspect and flow of the actions.

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