


在分析人类肠道微生态的新菌株大肠杆菌细胞比也可以摧毁其他大肠杆菌细胞被发现。为了分析和获得新的链,一个方法是通过文化的传播做了选择的大肠杆菌菌株在一个敏感的细菌的草坪。首先,从人类的肠道细菌培养一个单链大肠杆菌的培养皿中被选为代纯克隆。这进一步发展成单个克隆和敏感细胞板。这种新的细胞被称为应变和观察,无论这些菌株的细胞增长导致对间隙区描绘,链是分泌一种物质有毒其他细胞而不是链(布劳恩等人1994)。进一步的测试是通过使用Fredericq改良琼脂colicinogeny刺试验。所有的紧张都生长在营养肉汤液体通过保持整晚。接种的琼脂板通过领导的针头刺向汤文化的每一株形成主要对孵化为20个小时在37摄氏度。氯仿的细菌板接触蒸汽后被杀,所有板薄软琼脂层结束了包括10 7次新鲜的肉汤培养应变指标。在37摄氏度的孵化板块。X细胞压力增长时,观察到该地区是清除由于一些有毒物质释放。后加入胰蛋白酶然而,软琼脂的效果显然没有见过描述,胰蛋白酶消化有毒物质,因此它可以表示为一个质子化了的媒体文化。


After analyzing the micro-flora human gut, a new strain of E-coli cells than can also destroy other E-coli cells has been discovered. In order to analyze and obtain this new strand, a method was adopted by which culture spreading was done of the chosen strain of E-coli over a sensitive bacteria lawn. First, bacteria were cultured from the guts of human beings over a Petri dish from which single stranded E-coli was selected for generation of pure clones. This further grew into individual clones and sensitive cells plates. This new cell was termed as Strain A and it was observed that wherever these Strain A cells grew it led towards clearance of that zone depicting that the strand A was secreting a substance which was poisonous for other cells but not for that strand A(Braun et al 1994). Further testing was done by using a Fredericq’s modified agar stab test for colicinogeny. All the strained were grown under a nutrient of liquid broth by keeping it for all night. Inoculation of the Agar plated through stab of needles led towards broth cultures of every strain to form leading towards incubation at 37 degree Celsius for 20 hours. The bacterium plates after being exposed to vapor of chloroform were killed and on all the plates thin soft agar layers were over laid inclusive of 10 to the power 7 times the broth culture of a fresh strain indicator. At 37 degree Celsius the incubation of the plates took place. When the X cells strains were growing, it was observed that the region was cleared due to some toxic substance release. After adding trypsin however, the effect of soft agar was not evidently seen to depict that trypsin could digest the toxic substance and therefore it can be indicated as a protonated media culture.

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