






For providing the entire Canadian community with several processes of sustainable development, the department of justice in Canada has established several laws for the entire community that includes the family laws, criminal justice, funding, and several laws. The family law is provided to enhance the child support, enforcement support, divorce and separation, family justice services, custody and parenting services, spousal support, publications, provincial and territorial contact services. The criminal justice will include youth justice, victims, family violence, criminal conviction review, human trafficking, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, national security, and mutual legal assistance. Funding law services will include Aboriginal communities, criminal and family justice, justice system and policy, government funding, application form funding and several procedures to apply. Along with the development sectors, the laws will include constitutional documents, acts, regulations and Canadian rules.


Thus, from the above Canadian law and justice practices, it is clearly known that, the rights and the justice along with the judiciary acts are common for all, and these rights must be learned and should also be claimed by the marginalized and poverty line people to avail the rights and needs to earn and to live an economically benefited culture along with the people around in a very well equipped and peaceful manner. This could help the people in getting several growth and improvements beyond the level of spirit, desire, expectations and the margin of limits, which could help the nations to grow in equity.

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