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The success of a project is highly dependent on building an efficient structure of the project. It illustrates the procedures of the project and means how the specific project can be started, planned, executed as well as closed within its standard life cycle. The projects usually have particular phases as well as every single phase has a unique and distinctive set of threats for the project management. The principal task of an effective project management is project organization. The project organization is the management plan to arrange all the useful resources for a specific project within the organization and from outside of the organization as per the requirement of the project .


The next step is to recognize the scope of the project, the possibilities of the specific project with the human resources, technical resources, and financial capital. It is important for the successful completion of a specific project that the scope of the project must be evaluated before the actual initiation of the project. It supports in determining the key deliverables and participating team members for specific tasks of the project.


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