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“Conservation of resources theory” states that the individuals who are in working in a place where the demands are higher would tend to dissipate the valuable resources for coping in the company. They rely on several sources to protect themselves. In this process, there could be negative consequences for the employees. The individuals face multiple demands around the same time and there could be additional resource depletion that causes the trigger for situations. The excessive stressful conditions would cause the people to experience negative consequences.


JD-R model states that the employees face mile negative issues when they are made to work in conditions where there could be higher demands with lesser resources. This causes several stresses for the people. On the other hand, the effort-recovery model states that individuals need to recover from their stress full conditions. This kind of recovery is found to be in focused when the individual attempt to continually move away from the negative reactions. It is a known fact that certain demands can deplete the individual resources for coping with certain issues. However, certain issues force the people to handle certain issues that are not part of the work. These result in uncivil acts that are found to result in detrimental effects.
Hence, a simple equation can be stated as the root cause of stress. The stress factor is having high demands and low resources. This causes the people to develop stress.

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