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英国 代写:企业合并

英国 代写:企业合并


英国 代写:企业合并


英国 代写:企业合并

since Yates is a bigger company and Porte is a small company where Porte is mergered to Yates, in this case Yates CEO will continue and Porte CEO will move to senior management team in the new merger company. This will reduce the costs as it was earlier paid to two CEOs and now only senior management will be paid. This will allow reducing the expenses after merger. Porte CEO is removed because he has less experience and the merger decision is taken by Yates CEO & Boards. Since the CEO of Porte has moved to senior management, this is the reason why the cost of senior management has been increased. Porte administrator has left because the staff belong to Porte CEO.

英国 代写:企业合并
Because Porte CEO has moved to senior management role, Porte CEO would not need further any administrator staff. The cost hence decreased in the case of the administrative staff. Since both companies need technical staff heavily, hence after merger, the salary of technical staff will be equivalent to the that of the Yates Ltd. Porte used to pay rent amount as Porte has rented place, but after merger the rent will be zero. Because Yates was running in its own building, so paying rent was zero but there was depreciation cost of building which will be the same as earlier. Office expenses will decrease because after the merger the new employee will only use the existing facility. In all these costs, technical team costs make sense a lot. As with the new experienced technology team, the productivity of the company will increase after the merger. Most of the costs after merger are relevant to the Yates, as it has not increased the costs much in total.

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