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本文的话题是血糖,在摄入含有碳水化合物的食物时,最好同时考虑食物的数量和种类。这是因为这两种因素都会影响体内的血糖水平。像所有的营养物质一样,碳水化合物也需要有规律地摄入。任何食物中的碳水化合物都含有淀粉和糖。血糖指数显示食物中碳水化合物的种类。考虑到食物的血糖指数可以帮助降低体内的血糖水平。在这方面,摄入低血糖指数的食物会有很大的帮助(Shrapnel and Noakes, 2012)。本篇亚特兰大论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

During intake of food containing carbohydrates, it is ideal to take into consideration both the quantity and the type of food consumed. This is because both the factors affect the level of blood glucose in the body. Like all nutrients, carbohydrates also need to be consumed in a regulated manner. The carbohydrate present in any food item has starch as well as sugars. The glycemic index tells the type of carbohydrate in the food. Taking into consideration, the glycemic index of the food can help to reduce the blood glucose levels in the body. Intake of foods with low glycemic index can be of much help in this regard (Shrapnel and Noakes, 2012).
Thus, switching to foods with low glycemic index in the meal would definitely lessen the impact of lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes. For instance, switching to grainy bread with low GI from a white one with a high GI level can bring substantial difference in a person’s health and fitness levels. Among the daily foods had by any person, there are several choices having lower GI levels. Among the cereals for breakfast, Kellogg’s, Vogels while grains with lower GI include pasta, rice noodles, barley, etc. The vegetables with lower GI include sweet corn, Nicola potatoes whereas instances of fruits with lower GI include apples and apricots.
To ensure that foods with lower GI levels are included in the diet, several ideas can be used for planning the meals accordingly. Fruits and vegetables with low GI levels and milk products having low-fat levels along with the meal can reduce glucose levels by a substantial amount. Plan the meal accordingly to ensure that you have these carbohydrate-rich foods, with low glycemic indexes (Wolever, 2010). Foods like barley, lentils or bulgar having a lower GI can act as great choices in this regard. Sweet corn and pasta can be used to make delicious yet healthy recipes which would serve to satisfy demands of health as well as taste.


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