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The limitations regarding the antitumor are indicated by the single use of the chemotherapeutic drugs. For the purpose of removing the toxicity amount of the drugs, the mixture of the Paclitaxel and the Doxorubicin is being used for decreasing the toxicity of the drugs used for the treatment of the tumors. Therefore, the mixture of two or more therapeutic drugs was proposed with indicating the decrement of each drug. The delivery of the chemotherapeutic drug is being provided by the aid of the drug carriers which are the micelles, inorganic nanoparticles and the liposomes. The core shell of the nanoparticles is doubly emulsified from an amphiphilic copolymer Methoxy poly (ethylene glycol)-poly (lactide-co-glycolide) or the mPEG-PLGA. This aids in creating an advantage for initiation of the fabrication process that can be improved by the process of double emulsion. The nanoparticles are seemed to be not able to deliver the hydrophilic doxorubicin and the hydrophilic paclitaxel.


Therefore, the loading of the drugs is undertaken for the purpose of possessing a better polydispersity, and it also indicates controlled nature of the size distribution. The co-delivery of the nanocarriers are suppressed the tumor cells in a more efficient way than the DOX and the TAX with keeping the same concentrations.

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