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本文主要讲的是如何保持动力,只有在整个过程中都保持变革的势头,变革管理的过程才能成功。变化往往始于紧迫感,随着时间的推移,紧迫感可能会变得不那么重要(Francis et al, 2003)。领导者需要确保从变更管理的起始点到变更管理的完成和维持都带有紧迫感(Stagl, 2011)。转型是一个长期的过程,员工可能会失去变革的动力,在这种情况下,领导者有必要确保变革管理过程和紧迫性得到支持。本篇学术论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The process of change management can be successful only if the momentum of change is carried throughout the process. Changes often start with a sense of urgency and with time the urgency might become less important (Francis et al, 2003). It is for the leader to ensure that the sense of urgency is carried in change management from the starting point to the change management completion and sustenance (Stagl, 2011). Transformation is a long term process and employees might lose the momentum for change and in such situations it is necessary that the leader should ensure the change management process and urgency is supported.
Some of the main reasons for the loss of momentum are that a sense of urgency for that particular change might not be created at the beginning of change management (Ashmos & Duchan, 2000). When employees are initiated into a change management process with not much sense of urgency or need then it could lead to issues. It is for the leader to ensure that employees understand the urgency and not only align these business activities, but also invest in a logical and emotional understanding of the urgency. A second reason for the loss of momentum in change management is the lack of support from the management or from the leaders themselves (Ashmos & Duchan, 2000). In research on change management process failures in different companies there are indications that red tape within the organization is a productivity killer.
In the context of change management, having to go through many protocols would not be a productive process because much time would be wasted in decision making, asking for the necessary authorizations and more. The leader in this context, in order to carry the needed momentum must possess the right authority to make decisions for the employees (Appelbaum, et al, 1998; French & Raven, 1968). The leader must ensure that management responsiveness in the context of change management blocks should not take much time to resolve. The management must anticipate the form of issues that could happen in change management and must ensure that the leaders of change and the employees are equipped properly. Leaders of change must be able to negotiate with the management in order to ensure this happens.


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