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There is an important place in the political culture of the west, with regards to the rights to the procreative autonomy. The feature that is most important of culture is the belief in dignity of individuals. The individuals have moral responsibility and moral right in confronting the inherent question, which regarding the value and meaning of the lives of their own with answers that have convictions and consciences. It is the democratic culture, which is the underlying principle of proactive autonomy. The central issue of values is embedded in the decisions of reproducing some specific ways or even the use of some specific technologies. Then the guarantee of freedom that is provided by the constitution in any democratic state is necessary. This is largely consistent with some rare exceptions where the incumbent government is forced for some reasons to deny them such control. In establishing such grounds that the reason is compelling sufficient and vital stakes has to be shown that outweigh in terms of importance to the disgust and the disturbance of the majority.

Banning the human cloning

There should be declaration that it is unethical to clone humans with its consequence quite dangerous. In trying to ban, the backing can be obtained from overwhelming majority of U.S. citizens and the entire race of human mankind as well as the fraternity of scientists. There should be no stone unturned in trying preventing human cloning. This can be done with, if possible, international ban or at the bare minimum by unilateral national ban. There can be attempts by the scientists in violating such laws. But the deterrent lies with restriction of not being able to claim the credit of such technological success and bravado ever so proudly. However, the advancement of genetic technology and science is not hinder by the making of colonial baby. On the contrary there will be reassuring of the public that scientists are progressing with the genetic science without the violation of the institution of humanity and deep ethical norms. With regards to the embryonic human clones, there is great promise to gain the knowledge that is fundamental about normal differentiation with some conceivable benefits.

Framing ethical questions

The public and scholarly debates over cognitive enhancement are on the grounds of three primary concerns. In general, each of those concerns is voiced with regards to the biomedical enhancements. This does not only involve the cognitive improvements. There is addressing of the enterprise enhancements as a whole with respect to the first two concerns.

First off (concern one), is the efforts in enhancement that will damage or destroy the nature of the humans or undermining “the natural” (natural human relationships, natural human lives etc.). Secondly (second concern) is that human beings should not be playing God. Thirdly (third concern), in the cases of bad consequences, there are unintended risks attached to it. The capturing of several concerns is ripe about potential and specific risks with regards to the enhancement of cognitive in nature that has a number of widespread concerns.

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