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本文讲什么是人力资源管理,人力资源管理(Human Resources Management,简称HRM)是企业最重要的方面之一,它在企业组织中扮演着重要的角色,通过管理劳动力为组织提供所需的劳动力,为组织交付所需的结果。商业世界正在迅速地变得竞争激烈,在这种严格的市场竞争中,整个商业组织必须应用有效的商业策略,以支持在这种严格的竞争市场中生存,并帮助组织的进一步成长和发展。本篇ps代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The Human Resources Management (HRM) is one of the most important aspects of the business, and it plays a vital role in the business organizations by providing the required workforces to the organizations by managing the workforces to deliver required outcome for the organizations. The business world is rapidly becoming competitive, and in this stringent market competition, the entire business organizations have to apply effective business strategies that support in surviving in this stringent competitive market and help in further growth and development of the organization.
In this matter, the HRM strategies are important for the organizations as the human capital is considered as the most valuable capital for the organization and the future of the organizations is largely dependent on the use of the human resources. Hence, the human resources provide a significant contribution to the organizations (Analoui, 2007). Moreover, for making optimum use of the human resources in an organization, the role of Human Resources Management (HRM) is vital. The Human Resources Management (HRM) of the organizations has to devise effective strategies for the important HR functions like selection, recruitment, and delegation with performance management to bring out the best from the workers of the organizations.
Like other important sectors, in hospitality sector, the importance of the Human Resources Management (HRM) is increasing. Even in hospitality sectors, the Human Resources Management (HRM) is most important. It plays a more imperative role for the operation and growth of the organizations (Lundy and Cowling, 2005). The hospitality industry is mainly a services industry which immensely depends on the customers. Furthermore, for customers’ satisfaction, the service of the employees is vital, and in this matter, the HRM plays a crucial role.


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