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Behaviourism is often being debated between two ideologies, one growing from the philosophical conceptions of the mind and the other from psychological analysis of the brain. The mind is quite different to the brain, as against the psychologists’ claim of them being similar. Mental states are experienced and brain is simply a function of material body, quite aloof from the mental conceptions of one’s thought process.
Dualism is being built upon behaviourism that the mind and body are different matters and mind is simply immaterial in existence, but holds the material in it. Philosophers are in strong denial of the behaviourism, simply because behaviourists equate feelings, experiences, and qualities with the mind and its intrinsic nature reflected extrinsically. Philosophers argue that the intrinsic mind is the repository of all that is extrinsic and therefore there is always a conflict in agreeing to the behaviourists claims that studying behaviours can unfold the mystery of the mind.
In contrast, stands the psychological behaviourists who tend to study mind by studying the language it employs for expression, the social structure and the predictable behaviours it generates. Eventually, behaviourism stands defeated on account of its inability of resolving complex behaviours of multiple types originating from similar stimuli. As Descartes points out, the distinction between the existence of the mind and the body, studying the mental conditions of a mind is argued, would not be able to bring out the simultaneous impact on the conditions of the body. And hence, the mental condition of the mind would not manifest itself in the condition of the brain. It is pointed out that identification of the exact nature of the feelings felt by one is impossible, even in a condition where the other infers exactly the other’s behaviours, gestures, and actions.
This proposal denies itself the right of being approved because the inference of one’s feelings of the mind can never be identical in sense. Thus, behaviour does not equate with one’s inner feelings, because appearances can be deceiving. However, continuous investigations into the workings of the brain uncover the correlation between the neurological goings-on and mental states and stances. This attracts philosophers to think that mind is material, but further does of investigation reverses this trend. In addition, when Leibniz’s law is applied, which states that two entities having identical properties are said to be identical in all its properties, the mind is found to be different from the brain as they lack in many of the properties they carry.


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