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本文主要内容是企业公民,企业公民的第二个主要责任是如何显示他们的责任。他们仅仅表现出断言是不够的(Hall, 2011)。他们必须表明他们坚持自己的主张。在全球经济环境中,有多个部门联盟,如全球报告倡议GRI,致力于提出透明和问责的指导方针。公司可以利用这些指导方针来展示他们在可持续性方面所做的工作。本篇peaking代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

A second major responsibility of the corporate citizen is how they can show their accountability. It is not enough for them to show assertion (Hall, 2011). They have to show that they follow up with their assertions. In the global economic environment, there are multi sector alliances such as the Global Reporting Initiative GRI that works on presenting guidelines for transparency and accountability. Companies can make use of these guidelines to show what they have done with respect to sustainability.
The final responsibility for the corporate citizen is to shun the paternalistic attitude that was adopted before when it came to sustainability initiatives. In the past, most of the sustainability initiatives were driven by the management viewpoint. There was less engagement with the actual stakeholders. In a global context, it would be increasingly difficult for the corporate citizenship focused company to assess the needs. Partnership, collaborations and strategic alliances are needed between company and stakeholder. The old paradigm was mostly one way. Corporate obligation and discretion was in the control of the corporation only. In the newer corporate citizenship context, strategic partners and newer business dialogues are made use of. This makes the corporate citizenship responsibilities geared to meet the needs of stakeholders
Singapore Airlines is the company selected. Singapore Airlines is a company reputed for its quality and is a state-owned company (Aras & Crowther, 2009). The company’s growth since the 1980s has been immense. As of current times, it also has links with international carriers like Lufthansa and Air Canada (Mirvis, 2011). The sustainability strategy of SIA demonstrated in their recent annual sustainability report indicates that there are two main elements. One is their sustainability organizational structure and the second is their actual strategy. The strategy is stronger because the organizational structure is present for the same. The organizational structure includes a management committee, a sustainability strategic working committee and a public affairs department.


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