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CPP是居住在加拿大的人非常可靠的养老金选择。CPP的改革等待已久,自从联邦政府最终决定对CPP进行改革以来,对CPP的扩张有了一些见解。如何处理扩展?扩张计划要求企业和工人对CPP的贡献增加,这一增幅将达到收入的5.95%左右,而之前只有1%的工资(Omand, 2016)。然而,为了缓解这一巨大影响,政府在2019年至2025年之间逐步取消了这一增长(Blatchford, 2016)。据说在2019年,那些年收入54,900美元的人每月的保险费将增加9美元左右。到2025年全面实施该计划时,这一数字将增至每月43美元。政府已计划对员工进行“税务减免”,以缓解这种影响。纳税调整后,每月43美元的金额将减少到34美元,因为将会有9美元的回扣(Macfarland和Mcguan, 2016)。


除了CPP、OAS(老年保障)RRSP(注册退休储蓄计划)和SPP(补充退休金计划)之外,加拿大的退休人员也可以获得其他养老金选择(Yih, 2009)。与CPP不同的是,OAS为有低收入和移民的老年人提供养老金,这些老年人居住在加拿大,但没有通过所得税缴纳CPP。这是联邦政府的养老金计划(Yih, 2009)。RRSP是一种私人养老金计划,雇员可以将其收入的一小部分存到71岁退休。在71岁的时候,这个总数可以在其完全价值(Livingin-canada.com, 2016)中提取。SSP是雇主为员工提供的养老金计划,雇主向员工支付固定比例的工资直至退休(Livingin-canada.com, 2016)。


CPP is a highly dependable pension option for the people residing in Canada. The reform in CPP is long awaited and since when the Federal Government has finally decided to revamp the CPP, there are some insights of the expansion. CPP: How the expansion would be handled?The expansion plan requires the increased contribution to CPP by companies and workers, and this hike would be around 5.95% of income while it was just 1% of wages earlier (Omand, 2016). However, to ease this huge impact, the government has phased out this increase gradually between 2019 and 2025 (Blatchford, 2016). The premiums are said to be increased in 2019 by around $9 per month for those earning $54, 900 yearly. This will increase to $43 monthly, when the plan is fully implemented by 2025. Government has planned ‘tax deduction’ for employee input to ease the effect. After the tax adjustments, the amount of $43 will be reduced to $34 monthly as there will be a rebate of $9 (Macfarland and Mcguan, 2016).

Other pension options Apart from CPP, OAS (Old Age Security) RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan) and SPP (Supplemental Pension Plan) are also available for the benefit of the retired people in Canada (Yih, 2009). Unlike CPP, OAS offers pension to senior citizens with low-income and immigrants who have been residing in Canada but no contribution are made to CPP through income tax. It’s a pension plan by the federal government (Yih, 2009).RRSP is a private pension plan where the employee can contribute of save a small amount of his/her earnings for retirement till the age of 71. At the age of 71, this total amount can be withdrawn at its complete value (Livingin-canada.com, 2016).SSP is an employer sponsored pension plan for the employees where the employer pays a fixed percentage of employee’s salary to the pension plan till the retirement (Livingin-canada.com, 2016).

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