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我同意Richard Sennett的观点的人强调他的手艺,身心合一的,他在本书的核心主题是工匠思维和决策是一个统一的过程方面。显然,在你思考的过程中,练习会涉及到思想和情感,这是一个探索和表达的连续过程(理查兹,2009)。因此人们通过观察或接受这些美丽的工艺来相互交流。回到我们每天都可以开车过桥的桥上,允许我们去某个地方工作或出差,这是非常方便的,它连接了两个不同的地方或两个不同的国家。它也推动了整个社会经济的可持续发展。


世界上的人在许多方面都很不相同,但相似之处却存在着。人类许多语言被使用,许多宗教被实践,但是我们有一个共同点,人性。顾名思义,人类就是我们成为人类的一部分。就像是一个普遍的 桥相互连接的人群。没有人性,你会有许多群体像岛屿一样被困(马修,2010)。我们必须庆祝这座桥,让其他人跨越它,体验我们不同的文化。我们可以利用我们的各种文化知识来提高自己作为人类的能力。如果我们没有改善,那么我们正在后退一步,后退足够的步骤,我们最终会回到我们开始的地方。相反,我们应该向前走,跨过这座桥,与另一边的人团结起来。与人团结是防止不必要的偶然误解的必要因素(Mike 2001)。不团结的人互不熟悉,彼此不熟悉的人有更多的差异,而当差异存在时,就会产生冲突。战争带来冲突,战争毁灭,连接我们的关键桥梁被破坏。如果我们更经常地跨过环球桥,我们将几乎消除仇恨和种族主义,这是我们在这个关键和敏感时刻迫切需要的东西。


Besides this I agree with the argument of Richard Sennett who has emphasized his craft as a unity of body and mind and his core theme in his book The craftsman is that thinking and making are aspects of one unified process. Obviously making practice involves idea and emotion when you making you are thinking which it’s a continuous process for exploration and expression (Richards, 2009). Therefore people are communicating with each other through observing or accepting these beautiful crafts. Go back to the bridge we might driving through the bridge everyday it absolutely very convenient to allow us to go somewhere to work or for business travel It connect two different place or two different country. It also pushes the sustainable development of the whole society’s economy. People of the world are very different in many ways, and yet similarities exist. Many languages are spoken, many religions are practiced, but we have one thing in common, humanity. By definition, humanity is what makes us part of the human race. Humanity is like a universal bridge, connecting groups of people to each other. Without humanity, you have many groups stranded like islands (Matthew, 2010).


We have to celebrate this bridge, and allow others to cross it, to experience our different cultures. We can use this knowledge of our various cultures to improve ourselves as human beings. If we’re not improving, then we are taking a step back, enough steps back and we will eventually come back to where we started from. Instead we should take steps forward, crossing this bridge and uniting with the people on the other side. Uniting with people is essential to stop unwanted accidental misunderstand (Mike 2001). Those that are not united are not familiar with each other, and those that are unfamiliar with each other have more differences, and when differences exist, conflicts arise. With conflicts come wars, with wars come destruction, destruction of the crucial bridges that connect us. If we cross the universal bridge more often, we will virtually eliminate hate and racism, something which we desperately need in this crucial and sensitive time.



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