



农村流动人口从事的职业与城市居民完全不同,如农业、灌溉、节水、农业、为城市居民提供生计、食品生产、尊重自然的召唤等。农村居民和城市居民之间的联系发生在他们需要拥有更多的东西,并与城市居民在地位上平等的时候(Knox and McCarthy, 2012)。农村居民愿望的根本原因也可以追溯到各种公开的不平等的表现,这种不平等使农村人口寻求更好的机会,从而导致他们把基础转移到城市。此外,城市的成功是极其重要的,因为它与外汇的流入和创造就业的投资联系在一起。对人民需求的持续服务反过来又使国内企业得以生存并继续生产。国内业务的连续性来自于它们为现有人口和外来人口提供服务。在这个过程中,这些公司变得擅长他们的业务,并尝试创新服务。随着工业化的发展,对熟练劳动力和人力的需求也在增长。与此同时,个人和组织的收入也在增长。这进而创造了零售市场的需求,从而投资的周期跟上了来自国内外公司的持续投资(Cai, 2010)。

随着农村城市移民的增加,人们越来越担心稳定不平等并抓住其上升趋势的迫切需求。Henderson(2009)谈到了限制性政策中的故意隔离,农村和城市生活空间的隔离。这主要是为了将两个社区分开,以保持有组织发展的相关性。尽管随着教育投资意识的提高和学习能力的提高,农村人口的技能水平也在不断提高。许多经济学家和分析人士认为,为了减少城乡人口之间的不平等,提高收入平等和机会平等的标准,将城乡人口融合在一起是绝对必要的(Miller, 2012)。


The unanswered question of the rural-urban migration and the addressment of its rising issues

Rural migrants are involved into completely different occupation than urban dwellers such as agriculture, irrigation, water conservation, farming, providing livelihood to urban dwellers, food products making, and respecting the calls of nature which supports them to earn their livelihood through agriculture and selling the produce. The connection between the rural and urban dwellers happen when there is the identification of the need to possess more and be equal in status with the urban (Knox and McCarthy, 2012). The root cause of the desire of rural dwellers can also be traced back to the display of open inequality of all kinds which make the rural population seek better opportunities which can lead them to shift their base to urban cities. In addition, the success of urban cities is extremely important as it is linked with the influx of foreign exchange, and investments which create employment. The consistent serviceforthe population’s demands in turn makes the domestic companies survive and keep up their production. The continuity of the domestic business comes from their servicing the existent and the incoming population. In the process these companies become good at their business and try and innovate the services. As industrialization grows, the demand for skilled labour and manpower grows. Along with it, the individual and organisational income also rises. This in turn creates demand in the retail market and thus the cycle of investments keeps up with the continuous investment coming from domestic and international companies (Cai, 2010).

With the rise in rural urban migration, there has been a rising concern about the compelling demand of stabilising inequality and capturing its upward trend. Henderson (2009) talked about the intentional segregation in restrictive policies, the separation of rural and urban living spaces. This is primarily done to separate the two communities in order to sustain the relevance of keeping organised development. Though with rising awareness and learning with the investment in education, the rural population are getting more skilled. Many economists and analysts observe that it is absolutely necessary to integrate the rural and urban population and fuse them together in order to reduce inequality between the two and raise the standards of income equality and the equality of opportunity for all (Miller, 2012).

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