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The primary goal of the agency is to ensure that Korea is among the top five content providers in the world. Another important aim was to earn a good economic incentive so as to support the industries of Korea. The government of South Korea has understood the importance of culture and its importance as a political tool for the purpose of transformation of the economy of the nation. In order to exploit the soft power of Korea, KOCCA has set up around 36 cultural centers in 31 nations in Asia, Europe, Middle East and Africa. A number of events such as exhibitions, screening of Korean movies, teaching of Korean language, arranging of the pop shows and seminars are done by these centers.
Thus it can be said that in the past twenty years, the government of Korea and the activities of the cultural institutions in Korea has led to the massive growth in the economy of Korea. They have been vitalizing the importance of Korean culture outside the nation and have played a very important role in making Korea as a major soft power in the world. It can also be observed that Korea is working hard to come as a nation which is strong, developed on the economical basis and have good international relations. The popularization of “Han” Image of Korea has been easily done by the growth of cultural tradition and relations of Korea.
Korean wave is a very important tool for the promotion and selling of its image in the other countries. Be it the games, culture or the music, K wave has been significant in involving the government in a number of activities. Thus the state is working for the enhancement of the image of Korea, for the development of the positive image of Korea and for the purpose of boosting the tourism of Korea in the world. Thus, the Korean state is utilizing its soft power, in order to fulfill its goals with respect to the perception of the people towards Korea in a positive manner.


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