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本文主要讲述的是银行经济危机,截至2016年12月,意大利已批准2000万欧元的救助计划。意大利议会已经批准了这项计划。国家银行将利用这一救助计划。Monte dei Paschi将是第一家接受纾困的银行,也是该州历史最悠久的银行之一,它的资金只能维持11个月(BBC, 2016)。救助计划提出向银行业注入必要的流动性,从而帮助银行摆脱不断加深的经济形势。本篇美国艺术与设计论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

As of December, 2016, a 20 million bailout plan has been approved for Italy. The Italian parliament has approved this plan. Country banks will make use of this Bailout. Monte dei Paschi would be the first bank to be bailed and it is one of the oldest banks in the state and could have funds to stay afloat for 11 months only (BBC, 2016). The Bailout plan proposes to put the needed liquidity into the banking sector, thus helping pull the banks from the deepening economic situation.
Bailout plans have been successful in other countries and hence a bailout plan for Italy could very well work. At present, the banks are in the precipice of collapsing, and hence, a bailout plan is a critical need for the country. The failure of the bank could threaten everybody in the country as banks, housing and personal investments are with the national banks.
Secondly, with the bailout, it would be possible to put more liquidity into the market. In the context of any economic recession, a main problem is how money liquidity goes down. People do not want to spend as they believe the market is fragile. This leads to more deepening of the negative effects, on the other hand when the bailout is made available, then it would improve liquidity (BBC, 2016).
The bailing out is also risky and because of this risk, there is a possibility that the baiout plan could be a failure. “The risk of bailing in retail bondholders is that the domestic bond market, which is important for funding Italian banks, could potentially shut down,” was the opinion of JP Morgan’s Roberto Henriques at JP Morgan (Wallace & Chan, 2016, para. 20).
Italy’s recovery policy is aimed at rebalancing public accounts and initiating the bailout. Leverages in EU regulation are also made use of at this point. In terms of economic policy, the country wants to focus on more budget flexibility too.
Italy’s recovery is slow because much Italian banking is seen to draw from a system that has been in use for so long, it is almost directly connected to individual investors. Therefore, when planning, it is necessary to prep for a budget that is flexible enough. However, too much flexibility in policy making would challenge the recovery.
In applying a stress test, it was identified that most of the Italian banks were seen to have deferred tax assets. Usually, these assets should not be counted and it is risky to do so. “By 2019, they will not be allowed to have those assets on their balance sheets thanks to the European and Basel rules, but for the moment they do. In the case of the Italian banks, it accounts for 2pc to 2.5pc or so of their underlying equity. That is an asset which will go away with time, so quality of capital is a bit of an issue” (Wallace & Chan, 2016, para. 35).


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