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顾客价值还可以通过价值的推导来累加最终价值,直至达到终身价值。更进一步,像客户生活方式和价值观、用户接受度和手段最终要素这样的机制可能会影响客户满意度、行为和愉悦感方面的结果和结果。广义上讲,是客户价值的形成和积累创新的扩散。这进一步导致了关系价值的实现。甚至预测顾客价值的变化也不能保证预测社会价值发生变化的能力(Walsh & Beatty, 2007)。因此,理解奖励的大小和根据目标来管理奖励变得至关重要,这些目标对于理解客户价值的整体建立是有用的,并且管理与当前客户基础的关系价值


顾客的价值是相对的,它反映了服务和产品的相对属性。这些在客户之间是不同的,主要依赖于情况和时间。众所周知,顾客的价值体现了与消费体验进一步相关的偏好。因此,客户价值的具体关注点在于同时考虑经营过程和价值概念的参与(Wu & Cheng, 2013)。这涉及到对定义和操作概念的挑战的解释。因此,与管理学的文献相矛盾的是,顾客价值并不局限于顾客的欲望和需要。客户价值进一步扩展到服务或产品属性、质量和价格以及采用创新的决策。在目前的文献中,顾客价值的维度有一个明显的中心。研究人员从不同的角度定义了客户价值。


Customer value further can involve the accumulation of terminal value by the derivation of value until there is achievement of lifetime value. Further ahead, mechanisms like customer lifestyle and values, user acceptance and means end element may impact consequences and outcomes with respect to customer satisfaction, behaviour and delight. In the broader sense, there is formation of customer value and accumulated innovations are diffused. This further leads towards the achievement of relationship value. Even predicting the changes of customer value will not be guaranteeing the ability for anticipation of changes taking place in the social values (Walsh & Beatty, 2007). Thus, it becomes crucial to understand the rewarding magnitude and manage the rewards in terms of goals that are useful to understand the overall establishment of customer values and there is management of relationship value with the current customer base.


The values of customer are relativistic for the reflection of comparative attributes by the service and the product. These are different among customer and have key dependence on situation and time. The values of customers are known for embodying preferences with further relevance towards the experiences of consumption. Hence, the value of customer has specific focus on the involvement of simultaneously considering process and concept of value to do business (Wu & Cheng, 2013). This involves an explanation of challenge to define and operationalize the concept. Hence, contradicting the literature of management, there is no limitation of customer value to the wants and needs of customer. Customer value further extends across service or product attributes, quality and price, and decisions for adopting innovation. There is an apparent centrality for the dimensions of customer value as in the present literature. Researchers have defined customer value from different perspectives.

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