美国代写论文 美国论文代写


本文主要讲述的是消费文化对于性别和身份有无差别,大城市里的孩子不允许在大城市里闲逛,大部分时间都呆在家里。这些孩子热情地谈论操作电脑,然后是城市地区的孩子。通过新媒体,孩子们学习新产品和商品。现代性和进步也影响了世界上的性别角色和性别认同(McCabe, 2001)。本篇美国市场营销论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The children in big cities are not allowed to roam in the big cities, and spend most of their time sitting at homes. Such children enthusiastically talks about operating computers, then the children in urban areas. With new media, children learn about new products and goods. Modernity and progress has also influenced gender roles, gender identities in the world (McCabe, 2001).
The shift of traditional societies to the western capitalist societies from the second half of the twentieth century has brought the change in gender identifications on the social and psychological levels. The identification is now defined by the goods consumption and life styles rather than the traditional wok roles. Irrespective of gender and age, children also find shopping to be a pleasurable experience. When such children are asked about, what they will buy; there answer would be anything which will satisfy them (McCabe, 2001). The social roles and responsibilities in the present day society influence the gender identity. Thus, it could be said that consumer culture has brought significant transformation in historical concepts and culture. The contemporary consumer culture does not impose questions related to gender, sex or identity.
The essay examined the impact of gender and identified on the consumer culture of the Western world. Consumer culture is the term that is used to explain the consumption of consumer goods and spend the consumer money. It is also called as the form of capitalist economy. In other words consumer culture is the part of what we do, what we buy and how we consume different goods. In the traditional society, gender and identity were identified with the pattern of masculinity and femininity. Gender and identity are now dependent on the individual attitude towards gender image. Earlier people preferred only gendered brands but with consumer culture, gender is not limited to a label or brand. Men are not bound with their traditional image of masculinity, and are consuming products to display their feminine self. Women are now loved to hoe their male aspects and instrumental images. They consume brands that were earlier associated with males. Egalitarian consumers may take some time to expand, but now they have helped many brands to extend their products to different genders. The new technologies have greatly influenced the gender attitudes on consumer goods. In addition, gender roles have also transformed with consumer culture.


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