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本文主要讲述的是差别化教学,差别化教学可以被称为一种提供教学的方法,同时容纳了许多不同的方法来提高学生的学习。这对于提倡积极的计划是很重要的,对于处理学生行为的差异和整个课堂的学习至关重要(Bakhtin, 1981)。有一种观点认为,学习者应该感知批判性学习的技能,并且必须积极参与社会活动。这可以在提供关于差异化教学重要性的额外上下文的同时完成,因为所有的个体都知道有自己的学习方法和背景知识(Baker, 2000)。本篇美国市场营销论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Differentiated instruction can be referred to as a method of providing instruction while accommodating a number of different ways to enhance learning among students. This is important in order to advocate active planning crucial for dealing with differences of student behavior and learning across the classroom (Bakhtin, 1981). There is a belief that the learner should perceive the skills of critical learning and must have active membership in the society. This can be done while providing additional context regarding the significance of differentiated instruction, as all of the individuals are known to have their own methods of learning and background knowledge (Baker, 2000).
There is a major requirement of space from a number of aspects in which students can be successful in fostering his or her learning. The approach of flipped classroom helps in the creation of opportunity for the delivery of differentiated instruction as the class period can be devoted to discussion. The educator can be successful in provision of tailored feedback for all of the classes and the students can be useful if they determine their own requirements of project for showing the knowledge in a number of different ways (Pierce & Fox, 2012). Also, they can be successful in learning the content at their own speed, and hence, once again it is important to support and recognize preferences of learning and the choice of student.
In addition to this, it had been researched by Lage et al. (2000) that differentiated instruction within the flipped classroom requires to see if flipping the class will be more beneficial for the students or not. It had been found that the traditional classroom based on lecture do not tend to be serving a number of students as it is appealing to a considerably homogenous and narrow subset among the students. It was also found that access to technology for self-paced learning creates a more inclusive class environment, where collaboration is more important than competition (McLaughlin et al., 2014).


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