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此外,由于投资者犹豫不决,银行并没有建立首都,因为银行注销了银行,导致储备减少。从这两个例子中可以看出,银行的倒闭与2007 – 2010年甚至大萧条等金融危机之间存在关联。此外,由于银行未能取得任何预算成功,因此通过提高资本基本需求本身来改善情况。银行资本倒闭和世界经济所面临的经济衰退之间似乎存在着直接的比例关系。现实世界金融机构的例子是金融储备和世界银行。

巴塞尔协议三下的杠杆比率可以定义为分子中的资本指标除以分母中的敞口指标,而比率通常以百分比的形式表示。世界范围内金融危机的主要原因是银行系统中杠杆资产负债表(无论是关闭还是关闭)的额外积累(CEBS 2010)。在某些情况下,银行建立了过度的杠杆率,但强烈维持了基于风险的资本比率,使资产价格下降的压力加大。 “巴塞尔协议三”框架提供了一个简单的基于非风险的透明杠杆比率,其目的是


Additionally, capitals were also not build by the banks as the continuation of crisis took place because there was hesitancy in the investors and write offs of the banks further causing the reserves to reduce. From both these examples it can be depicted that there is a relationship between the failures of bank and the financial crisis such as that of 2007-2010 and even Great Depression. Furthermore, the situation was improved by enhancing the capital basic requirement itself as the banks had failed to initiate any budgetary success. There seems to be directly proportional relationship between bank capital failures and the recession faced by the world economies. Examples from real world financial institutions are Financial Reserve and World Bank.

The leverage ratio under Basel III can be defined as capital measure in the numerator divided by measure of exposure in the denominator and the ratio is often presented in the form of percentage. The main reason for financial crisis in the world was the extra build-up of leverage balance sheets (either off or on) in the systems of banking (CEBS 2010). In certain situations, excessive leverages were built up by banks however capital ratios based on risk were strongly maintained in a way which amplified the pressures downward over prices of assets. A simple non-risk based transparent ratio of leverage was made available by the framework of Basel III with the purpose of
Restricting the leverage built-up in the sector of banking for avoiding the deleverage destabilization process that in turn leads towards damaging the wider system of finances in economies
For reinforcing the requirements based on risk with simplicity in a non-risk manner based on measures of back stopping
A framework with simple leverage ratio benefits in complementing the framework of capital based on risks
Credibility of leverage ratio helps in making sure broader and sufficient capture of not only the sources of on balance sheets but also off-balance sheets (Copeland, et al., 2012)

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