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Reflective observation refers to the act of viewing environment from different perspective and then making a judgment. In the above example the reflective observation would be understand the whole situation and understand what I should have done so that the work would not have piled up. Another observation would be to understand the fact that when I did not have enough time to give a presentation, I would have made my boss understand the same and should have scheduled the presentation the next day. This would have also helped me not to rub my shoulders with my boss by telling him the correct situation. Had I done my work on time, the work would not have piled up and then I would have been able to give the presentation as well. Since my boss would have given a commitment to his boss, I have to honour the request of conducting a presentation. Had I worked hard on my communication skill, I would have been able to convey to my boss that I am tied up with the existing work and would be able to give the presentation only the next day (Cetin, 2014).

The reflective observation helps in assimilating the facts gathered through observation and then it can be assimilated for future learning. Being prudent in professional life is very important (Andreou et al, 2014). Also, each and every person should be candid with his boss so that the boss knows the current situation and does not pile up extra work on the subordinates.
According to Kolb’s learning style, the assimilators dominant learning styles include abstract conceptualization and reflective observation. The learning styles which suits such kinds of people are lecture method, exploration of a particular subject and giving them instructor intensive training (Terrell, 2015). In reflective observation, the person tries and assimilates the things which went wrong with him and then understands what could have been done so that the current situation does not arise.

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