




在研究纪念碑的形象时,它是一种带有美学细节的圆柱风格,可能是古代建筑的一部分。带有装饰的雕塑延伸部分位于圆柱上。它可以由木头或灰泥制成。很难分辨这幅图像来自哪里,是什么时候制作的。然而,仔细观察这个形象,它确实反映了希腊建筑的典型,因为它的柱子风格。它可能属于科林斯式,这是古典建筑中最精致、最具装饰性的一种,希腊人和罗马人都使用过科林斯式(Becker, 2018)。希腊人用代表自然、人类和动物的风格化图案装饰柱子顶部的首都。左边用了一个像老虎的人物,还有一条蛇爬在一个裸体女人的双腿之间,在树叶中,这表明了一个更加华丽的设计。

The Royal Portal at Chartres figures are elongated and reflect a classic style. The sculptor has given individual details. However, when compared to the Annunciation and Visitation figures, there is rigidity and constraint in their expressiveness. The Annunciation and Visitation figures are an excellent example of the High Gothic style while the Royal Portal at Chartres figures is Romanesque style. The Royal Portal at Chartres figures are elongated with rigid expressions. The rigidly columnar figures are similar to each other in their pose, and their figures swell gently under their finely pleated gowns. When one looks at the Annunciation and Visitation figures, the Visitation piece on the right comprises of Mary and Saint Elizabeth while the Annunciation to the left contains Gabriel and Mary (Gothic Art, 2016). The statues are Classical naturalistic in style, and one can sense a gentle rhythm of movement with the bent knees, arms in motion and swaying of hips. On4e can see the simplicity of Gothic lines in these figures.

There is a higher emphasis on naturalism with the passing of time in the later works and especially when one compares the facial and bodily expressions.

When studying the image of the monument, it is a style of a column which carries aesthetic details and is probably a part of an ancient building. The sculpted extension with decoration rests on a cylindrical column. It could be made of wood or plasterwork. It is difficult to make out where the image is from and when was it made. However, on closer observation of the image, it does reflect as an a4exmaple of Greek architecture because of the style of column. It could belong to the Corinthian order, which is the most elaborate and decorative of Classical orders of architecture and was used by both Greeks and Romans (Becker, 2018). The Greeks decorated the capital at the top of the column with stylized representations of nature, humans, and animals. The use of a tiger-like figure on the left, and a serpent crawling between the legs of a naked figure of a woman, amidst foliage are indicative of a far more ornate design.


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