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作者西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)在他的着作“文明及其不满”中指出,人的属性不被尊重的现实是人的财富。


有一些人是远离这种拥有的人,他们不怕未来,或者感官在规划上是正确的(Buss,D M,2003)。由于各种原因,人们看到歇斯底里的攻击,其中一个会因为被要求做某件他不喜欢的事情而感到压力。



这就是史努比告诉露西,我们发现她的反应,虽然她给的建议否定了可怕的想法没有被她观察到。约翰内斯认为,恐惧和颤抖已经取代了露西在这条街的开始时所持的深思熟虑的态度(Day,A L,&Carroll,S A,2002)。


Sigmund Freud’s explanation on the attributes of humans:

The author Sigmund Freud says in his book, Civilization and Its Discontents that the reality of the life where the attributes of the human is not respected as the wealth of the man.

The ego of a person can result in severe repercussions, like distance between the near ones. This is not developed in a day but through the passage of the time. The curbing of the same is important to have a healthy relation with others for a prolonged period of time (Freud, A., 1992).

There are human who are away from such possession are the one who do not fear of the future or the senses are working right towards the planning (Buss, D M, 2003). There are hysterical attacks seen in the people due to various reasons, one of them would be stress felt due to the fact the person is asked to do something that he or she does not like to.


In the cartoon when Lucy says that the fear and dread would be a not the source to live life. If the same is related to the context explained by the Johannes, the author has stated that through different occasions the fear and tremble feeling would be seen with the thought of something that one feels would not happen. The response to Lucy in the cartoon by snoopy would be that as told by Freud that the people who see over the rose-tinted light would be happy.

This is what snoopy informed Lucy for which we find her reaction, though the advice given by her to overrule the thought of being dreadful was not observed by her. Johannes thought of fear and tremble has taken the place of the thoughtful attitude that Lucy had in the beginning of the strip (Day, A L, & Carroll, S A, 2002).

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