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The outcome or benefits of Buyer-supplier exchanges depends on mainly three types; such as the Buyer’s value, the Supplier’s value and the creation and capture of relational value. In the part of Buyer’s value, for the maintenance of a long-term relationship that gives the guarantee of financial safety, the benefits depend on the buyer- seller relationship which gives the huge expectation to achieve business profit.


Other on financial aspects are also relevant to the value creation for the supplier, such as access to knowledge and technology . The knowledge and technology can improve the quality of its operation and its prestige, and it allows the expansion of the base of the customer through the reputation of the management company in the market. The non-financial perspective offers some aspects that have the potential to grow up future benefits for the supplier, and it does not require the establishment of a co-operative relationship between two parties, and it is not necessary. One of the sources of buyer’s intrinsic value is learning which enables the suppliers to develop the capabilities which can contribute to the improvement of the performance of the suppliers to the buyers.

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