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公司首先确定他们的目标市场人口结构,然后根据这个范例来解读或制定计划。目标市场可以定义为公司计划向其销售服务或产品的消费者基础。营销努力和活动主要是通过确定目标市场来展开的。这个目标市场包含人口细分的概念。这一细分因素包括消费者的年龄、种族、意识形态、性别和收入水平。消费者的教育也是这个过程中的一个因素(Armstrong et al., 2014)。公司人口统计信息的切线是根据公司的主观需求设计的。一旦确定了这一点,公司基本上就会制定出包括价格、产品、地点和促销在内的营销计划来进行销售。

对于Telstra communications来说,市场细分是希望增强移动通信服务、宽带用户、IT公司和企业消费者的电信服务的人群(Gaur, Saransomrurtai, & Herjanto, 2015)。公司的目标细分人群是中、高收入人群。它们目前的定位是专注于客户服务的产品,并已启动在线“群体支持”计划。下面详细讨论了公司的营销传播。


公司的产品或服务是企业为满足客户的需求而销售的有形或内在的服务(Villarejo-Ramos & Sanchez-Franco, 2005)。对于服务或产品,有一个逻辑的产品生命周期,营销者使用它来理解销售的各个阶段和每个过程中的独特挑战。产品生命周期基本上可以分为四个阶段。它是指公司将产品引入市场,产品销售的增长,产品的成熟,产品或服务即将下降(Mort & Drennan, 2002)。基于这种模式,公司试图开发他们独特的销售主张。这种独特的销售主张是产品在销售时所提供的独特服务或实用程序。


Theoretical framework

Companies first decide their target market demography and then decipher or formulate a plan based on this paradigm. The target market can be defined as the consumer base to which the company plans to sell a service or a product. Marketing efforts and a campaign are launched primarily by deciding upon the target market. This target market encompasses the notions of demographic segmentation. This segmentation factors in the age, ethnicity, ideology, gender and the income level of the consumers. Education of the consumers is also factored in this process (Armstrong et al., 2014). The tangents of the demographics information of the company is devised based on the subjective needs of the company. Once this has been decided, the companies basically formulate the marketing plan that factors in price, product, place and promotion to make sales.

For Telstra communication, the market segmentation are the people who want enhanced mobile telecommunication services, broadband user, IT companies and telecommunication services of the business consumers (Gaur, Saransomrurtai, & Herjanto, 2015). Target segmentation of the company is the middle and the upper income group of the people. They are currently positioned as a product that has focused on customer service and has embarked on online “crowd support” initiatives. The marketing communication of the company has been discussed in detail in the following section.


The product or service of the company is the tangible or intrinsic services that are sold by businesses to meet the customer demand or need (Villarejo-Ramos & Sánchez-Franco, 2005). There is a logical product lifecycle for the services or product that is used by the marketers to understand the stages of selling and the unique challenges in each of the processes. Product life cycle can be basically divided into four stages. It is the introduction of the product into the market, growth of the sales of the product, maturity of the product and the impending decline of the product or service by the company (Mort & Drennan, 2002). Based on this paradigm, the companies try to develop their unique selling proposition. This unique selling proposition is the unique service or utility that the product offers when it is sold by a product.

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