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Multi-literacies and its benefits for the young learners

Today’s young learners will transform into the productive workforce of tomorrow and that can only be possible if the young learners are taught through multi-literacy about benefits of effective citizenship and productive work for which an effective interaction with multiple languages and communication patterns is essential due to cross cultural communities and national boundaries (Boonaert, 2011). All these arguments clearly shows the importance of multi-literacy that provides the young learners with immense exposure towards various forms of media that will help them in gaining better understanding of the practices, traditions and norms of the global world. It will help the young learners who are future employees with an ability to easily adapt to other social environments and the diverse people with whom they might work in future (Andreatos, 2007). If learners deny the multi-literacy they are in fact denying the opportunities of learning about the life and working patterns in other countries.
The pedagogy of multi-literacy helps the educators in dealing effectively with young learners in modern classrooms with learners of different cultural and social backgrounds. Through multi-literacy techniques the educator effectively recognizes and evaluates the unique cultural, social and intellectual literacy levels of various learners (Jewitt, 2008). Through multi-literacy learns are provided with advanced learning techniques through integration of technology with traditional teaching forms. Multi-literacy helps in valuing the extra-textual literacy and it helps in preparing the young learners to deal with the complexities of the real globalized platform of world which demands that the individuals must be able to express themselves in multidisciplinary ways on varied platforms. Multi-literacy classrooms are easily comparable within certain aspects of digital work world. One of the major benefits of multi-literacy classroom is that they are capable of making authentic assessments of learners.

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