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这是在输出接口和输入接口的最小公差程度上提出的。遵守这些限制将会确保在供应商的网络和设备之间相互合作,以及为划界提供基础。这些限制的确定是由ITU – T和电信迪亚完成的。除此之外,这些方法的实现在许多不同类别的接口和设备的标准(Astrahan,2006)中已经完成。考虑到有大量的接口和类型的设备,可以指出,探索特定应用程序的重要的抖动标准可能是一个非常令人困惑的过程。


Research Overview
This is presented at the interface of output and the minimum degree of tolerance at the interface of input. Adhering to these restrictions will result in ensuring that interwork amongst the networks and equipment of vendor, along with the provision of base for demarcation. The determination of these limits have been done by both, ITU- T and Telecordia. In addition to this, the implementation of these have been done in a number of standards for varying categories of interface and device (Astrahan, 2006). Considering the fact that there are a large number of interfaces and types of devices, it can be stated that exploring the important standard of jitter for a particular application can be a highly bewildering process.
Research Aim
The following research thesis aims to conduct an overview of the various methods employed for measuring jitter. For the purpose of this study, the measurement methods used measure jitter, are classified as either research methods or standard methods. Comparison is made between the methods that have been proposed in recent research publications on jitter measurement and the methods that are enforced as standard methods. It is important to understand that measurement of jitter is essential for the purpose of identify techniques that will allow minimization of Bit Error Ratio (BER). Several instruments and devices consist of various jitters which are identified and recorded using different ways; these jitters tend to appear through various modes and affect the device and instrument differently. In addition, this thesis will analyze particular keywords that have significance in domain of jitter measurement in order to understand the domain more critically.
The main aim of this paper will be focused on briefly discussing all different IEEE standards that exist for specific application to understand the limit within which the coverage of these standards are on the topic jitter. In addition to this, important terms used for explanation of the standards will be explained separately.

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