



在参观期间,霍勒斯·韦尔内创作的《与日出作战的海盗》(1818)被发现很有趣。从艺术品中可以了解到很多维度。结果发现,其原油含量为72.0×103.2 cm。与展出的其他画作相比,这些画作的尺寸似乎要小一些。艺术家们错综复杂的细节似乎集中在许多方面和观点上。这幅作品吸引了我的注意力,因为艺术家们非常注重提供真实的细节。书中生动地描绘了海盗们所面临的压力。历史的复杂性似乎在这幅画中产生了共鸣。这幅画的核心目标似乎是在现存的复杂性中有某种途径。这很有趣,因为没有人真正知道这条路通向哪里。然而,这似乎很有趣,因为与生活相似,我们不知道这条路会把观众引向何方。




During the visit to the art gallery, it was found that the artwork in European paintings were wide ranging. It was from Renaissance era to mid 1990s. There were more than 1000s of work of arts of art from Europe. It was found that they had Dutch Paintings from 1600, Italian sculptures from 1600 French Salon, impressionist painting from the 1800 were also found. The most interesting to me was the art created by Horace Vernet.

During the visit, the Pirates Fighting Sunrise (1818) created by Horace Vernet was found to be interesting. There were multiple dimensions that could be understood from the artwork. It was found to have 72.0 x 103.2 cm crude. The paintings seemed to be smaller in size when compared to the other mated pieces that were on display. The intricate detailing of the artists seemed to focus on many dimensions and views. This artwork captured my attention owing to the attention the artists has given to providing the realistic details. There were vivid colors that portrayed the stresses encountered by the pirates. The complicated nature of the history seemed to resonate in the painting. The core objective of the painting seemed that it had some sort pathway in the complexity that was existing. It was interesting because no one really knows where the path leads. However, it seems interesting because similar to life we do not know where the path would lead the viewers.


The scene setting was during the sunrise. There was a chance which was the variation between night and day. The painting seemed to capture the difference between the two. There was the representation of a wet frame that had captured the rapaciousness and also the energy potential of the tides. These tides seemed to help the boats forge ahead. The high tides show that the people were in the middle of the sea and were nowhere near the shores. The people in the picture seemed to have no control over the boat. It seemed that the situation was not under anyone’s control except maybe the tides. There is an argon speck that seems to portray the inner travails of the mind. There is some sort of mourning in the situation. There was something unsettling in the picture and at the same seem to draw in the viewer with its detailing. To conclude, it was an interesting artwork that made me retrospect about life.

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