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本文的内容是关于歧视的,歧视的定义是基于种族、移民身份、年龄、性别等类别对人的不公平待遇。通常歧视是在更广泛的背景下理解的,就7- 11公司而言,歧视是在就业方面考虑的。澳大利亚有非常具体的法律来保护澳大利亚境内的人的权利,其中一些权利适用于临时访客,例如持学生签证的人。本篇美国会计学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Discrimination is defined as the unjust treatment of people based on some category such as that of race, immigration status, age, sex etc. Usually discrimination is understood on a broader context and in the case of the 7-eleven company, it is considered with respect to employment. There are very specific laws in Australia that serves to protect the right of people within Australia and some of these rights are applicable for temporary visitors, such as people on student visas.
Some of the laws are the Age Discrimination Act 2004, the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986, the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, and the Sex Discrimination Act 1984. In addition, there are specific legislatures with respect to the state and territory level, such as Queensland’s Anti-Discrimination Act 1991, and Victoria Equal Opportunity Act 2010.
Companies have the legal requirement to follow anti-discrimination policies in the workplace, and they also have to ensure equality is assured in the work place practices, payment procedures etc. An unjust treatment of people based on some fixed element would be called as discrimination. Now it is to consider the case of 7-eleven, it is identified that international student community is not only paid less, but also their work with 7-eleven itself is seen to lie outside the accepted contract and hence they do not get the benefits that others working with the company would get. This is a form of discrimination done based on their visa. Even as international students, there are specific rights assured to the students and it is critical for those rules to be followed.
The reasoning presented behind why 7-eleven might exercising, this form of discrimination is because they could make an easy profit by withholding benefits which they usually would have given full time employees. Where the immigrant workers of the student population are already threatened by visa issues and others, it becomes much easier to discriminate against them. The employees also are seen to accept this discrimination in what is being called as “culture of acceptance”
The issue has to be handled by 7-eleven. Unjust and prejudicial treatment based on visa status is also a form of discrimination. It is necessary for 7-eleven to show strict compliance with the anti-discrimination laws.
It must commit to collaborative working and to ensure a non-discriminative work force. Currently, it is breaching antidiscrimination laws, and by adopting the standpoint to be non-discriminative, it could be regulated better.
Secondly, it must also empower employees such that employees would be able to raise issues with discrimination directly to the management.
Thirdly, the company should make an oath that it will not victimize the person who is raising the complaint, and
Finally, the company will act honestly; ensuring proper legislative processes are followed in resolving the issue.


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