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Italian Renaissance was one considered to be the earliest manifestation of the European Renaissance. This period was a period of paradigm culture changes in the society. It is generally considered to have started around 14th century and continued well into the 16th century. This was found to mark the transition between Medieval Europe and Early Modern Europe .


Many aspects of the Italian culture were found to be reminiscent of the Medieval period. There was renewed commitment by the societies to foray into the arts. During this period, the artists and artisans started to emerge in the societies. The artists of this period were people who promulgated their views in some medium. The artisan on the other hand were the people who created functional products with aesthetical sense. In some cases, the individuals undertook a dichotomous role of being an artist and an artisan. One of the most famous Artists and Artisans is Michelangelo. His dexterous talent and his insights have had profound influence on the western Art world. Michelangelo was also instrumental in foraying into the mannerist style of artistic representation to the world.

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