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It has been observed that more time was taken in decision making in case of face-to-face interaction also. There can be several reasons for such delay. These reasons have been discussed with respect to their impact on the Mount Everest simulation. Further, lack of leadership for analysis of information available has impacted the achievement of goals. This aspect has been discussed considering the leadership style that has been employed and the way team interacted to complete certain level of achievement of goal. Lastly, the issues in decision making due to conflict arising within the team have been discussed. It is important to highlight here that conflict may be considered as negative aspect but is important to evaluate and select appropriate option from the given options.

These are some of the major issues highlighted in the study. The issues highlighted above will be discussed considering working in a team that related to leadership. All these aspects have been discussed in detail in this section of the report. Apart from this there are certain related aspects that have influenced the goals that have been achieved. These are related primarily to the issues highlighted above and have been discussed.

Working in a Team

The first and foremost thing for a team to achieve the goal is that all the members are motivated to achieve the goal. The first issue that is there with the team is the absence of environmentalists. Since all the team members will not be able to reach the summit, the goal will not be achieved. Another point to note is that role of environmentalist will have to be taken up by someone else in the team who isn’t proficient enough to perform the task of environmentalist.

The team focused on communicating and interacting more so as to cautiously arrive at decisions. There are certain situations when the decisions were easily taken while at times there was clash of opinions and healthy debate took place. But still if the consensus is not reached vote was casted. The team leader took decisions only for trivial matters. Although everyone agreed that precedence will be given to the decision taken by the team leader, there was little confidence amongst the team members on the team leader decision and most of the times the decision was taken by voting. This shows that the leader had little influence on the team. This created confusion and discussion lacked directions. A lot of time was wasted in taking decisions as every member had equal say in the decision making. Each member spent time in convincing others on their idea. The focus of decision making shifted from selecting the possible options to convincing.

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