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互联网高速公路的广泛使用反映在日记中。由此可见,持续的在线活动明显地凸显了通过电子邮件和社交媒体进行连接的广泛需求。事实上,普通的电话已经被社交媒体互动和电子邮件所取代。重度网络用户可以根据他们的使用模式分为下载者、娱乐寻求者、自我改善者、社交者和股票交易者(Assael, 2005)。有趣的是,人口统计分类显示,年龄在40岁以下的人往往是社交媒体的重度使用者,而年龄在35-55岁之间的人更喜欢电子邮件互动,而年龄在50岁以上的人群更喜欢打电话和打电话。在此基础上,日记条目显示了档案类别是“社会主义者”的常见类型的痕迹——最常见的类型的痕迹,也被称为数字足迹,可以使用cookie查看、收集和表列。这些数据cookie捕获信息,这些信息后来被广告商使用,他们可能希望针对特定产品的特定人口统计数据或位置,等等。


最常见的痕迹是与浏览历史有关的,在浏览历史中,访问的网站和频率可以被分析。当互联网使用数据落入某个专业机构手中时,网络隐私只是一个虚构的前景(privacy Rights Clearinghouse, 2016)。一般来说,数字足迹用于目标或基于位置的广告;但在错误的人手中,这些数据也可以用于欺诈。常见的跟踪数据包括浏览历史、支付方式、详细信息和使用频率。数据捕获的优点:数据捕获在针对特定位置或人口的广告中特别有用。此外,犯罪可以很容易地追踪到,犯罪分子可以通过诸如CC电视镜头、信用卡使用、手机位置等数据捕捉来识别。数据捕获的缺点:捕获的数据可能落入错误的人手中,从而导致欺诈。这一点在银行数据或信用卡信息中尤为明显,这些信息可能被不法分子滥用(McFarland, 2012)。


The extensive use of the internet highway is reflected in the diary. It can be seen that the continuous online activity clearly highlights the extensive need to be connected via emails and social media. In fact the regular phone calls have been replaced by social media interactions and emails. Heavy web users can be categorized into Downloaders, Entertainment seekers, Self-improvers, Socializers and Stock traders based on their usage patterns (Assael, 2005). Interestingly, demographical classification shows that persons in the age groups below 40 tend to be heavy users of social media, while those in the age group of 35-55 prefer email interactions and those in the age groups between 50 and above prefer making and receiving phone calls. Based on this, the diary entries show the profile category to be “Socialisers”Frequent types of traces leftThe most frequent types of traces, also called digital footprints can be seen, collected and tabulated using cookies. These data cookies trap information that is later used by advertisers who may want to target specific demographics or locations for a specific product, and so on.

The most common traces are related to browsing history wherein the sites visited and the frequency can be analyzed. Online privacy is a mere fictional prospective when the data of internet usage lands in the hands of a professiona (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, 2016). Generally, the digital footprints are used for targeted or location based advertising; but in the wrong hands, the data can be used for fraud as well. The commonly traced data include browsing history, payment mode and details and frequency of usage.Advantages of data capture:Data capture is specifically useful in advertising that targets a specific location or demographic. Furthermore, crime can be easily traced and criminals can be identified using data capture like CC TV footage, credit card usage, cell phone location and so on.Disadvantages of data capture:The data captured may fall into wrong hands leading to fraud. This is specifically true in the case of banking data or credit card details which can be misused by miscreants (McFarland, 2012).

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