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In the traditional times, financial analysis was utilized and this was most prevalent in the 20th century when Kotter and Heskett quoted that financial analysis of several companies supports in evaluating the cultural strength. Nowadays, research only requires viewing resource by the financial year review of companies for seeing the culture performance in comparison to its efficiency. From the point of view of symbolic-interpretivist, organizational culture has been recognized as far as it is understood in a reasonable manner. This perspective required validating and interpreting meaning from the culture of organizations.


For example, as per this perspective, stories across a company that is what others have to say over the same allows towards gaining an understanding on the general notions and beliefs of a company. However, this might at times be false and this has now been understood through 21st century organizations. It is difficult now in comparison to the symbolic interpretivist perspective, to make people believe and be energized through story telling. Success is difficult to be created through simply story telling. Post-modernist organizational perspective, much evident in the world and among the organizations today stresses on the other hand, that culture of an organization is not real. It is actually an opinion of ideological nature.

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