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由于缺乏教育和失业,贫困水平和疾病负担增加。土著男性更容易受到酒精和药物滥用的影响。性别和文化的集群影响着人们的社会秩序和态度。这些人也受到白人侵略者的压迫,这种压迫加剧了他们的侵略和愤怒。土著儿童也被迫离开他们的家庭,这进一步威胁到他们的文化和语言。这些人主要生活在偏远和农村地区,他们无法获得专业的医疗服务,不信任警察,害怕后果,缺乏获得支持性服务的意识(Morgan & Chadwick, 2009)。


Australia is a multicultural society. People from different culture, race and ethnicity live in Australia. The most deprived and unprivileged population of Australia is ATSI people, refugee groups and immigrants. They have various issues associated with their condition. These people have specific gender roles in their culture and for them traditional roles are very important. Aboriginal people have faced many consequences in past, which threatened their gender roles and culture. Due to change in their living condition, these people were forced to live in unhealthy living conditions and poverty.


Due to lack of education and unemployment, the level of poverty and burden of diseases increased. The men from indigenous origin are more likely to be affected by alcoholism and substance abuse. The clusters of gender and culture influence the social order and attitudes of the people. These people have also faced oppression by the White invaders and this oppression increased aggression and anger in them. Indigenous children were also forcibly removed from their families, which further threatened their culture and language. These people mainly lives in remote and rural areas, where they do not have appropriate access to professional healthcare services, distrust in police, fear of repercussions and lack of awareness to access supportive services (Morgan & Chadwick, 2009).

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