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风化和侵蚀: 边坡和岩石风化后,强度大大降低。因此,边坡位于一侧,导致侵蚀增加,然后再次暴露内部岩石,导致进一步的侵蚀和风化。





Weathering and erosion: After the weathering of slope and rocks, the strength is greatly reduced. Thus, the slope lies at one-side that brings about the increasing of erosion and then re-exposed of internal rocks leading to further erosion and weathering.
The collapsed ground acceleration caused by the earthquake will increase the sliding force of the slope and reduce the resistance. The horizontal shock wave released by the earthquake will easily destroy the slope which lacks of the lateral shear force.


Improper exploitation of hillside: The improper use of hillside land can cause the change of terrain and natural vegetation. The gradient of the slope is steepening because of digging, filling and the natural vegetation being wanton felled, which leads to the loss of soil and water conservation function then increases the occurrence of slope collapse. The wanton felled is a type of excavation which is being made at the hillside for the purpose of developing natural vegetation on the hill side, and it leads to being of the soil slope level. As per the explanation of the vegetation is being considered along the hill slides, due to the vegetation, the geo-mechanical effect is being depicted by showing the enhancement of the work and the reinforcement of the soil by the plant roots. The distribution is being accessed by the eco-hydrological imbalance that is being seen in this case.


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