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Earthworms have the ability to improve mineralization of the organic matter. They enabled in the promotion of soil quality and aide towards the terrestrial food webs. There are appropriate conditions that enable in the restoration of soil ecosystem after the events of mining in the region. The recolonization efforts of the earthworms’ overall effect stem from conservation of the population. Earthworm biomass and diversity can enable 4 different kinds of habitats. Soil stockpiling must be addressed in this process.


Soil stockpiling is another technique that is found to have a number of benefits. It is observed that they induce anaerobic conditions making it impossible for the earthworm to love. There must be replanting to enable the growth of the earthworms. Hence by increasing the number of earthworms in the soil, there can be a certain level of increase in the soil fertility. This can be one of the remedial measures taken to address the issues of soil restoration. This would address the soil toxicity and aide towards the growth of vegetation. This can bring expedite the process of soil vegetation .

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