美国代写论文 美国论文代写


本文主要讲建立图书馆,使用基准的最佳模式是建立数字委员会和图书馆,以传播认识,并在当地触及消费者的利益。联合国还发起了志愿者项目,在这些项目中,能力较强的人帮助其他人获得连接,志愿者在线帮助全球公民(Noris, 2001)。公民可以获得知识和其他回报。盖茨基金会引进了数字图书馆,在那里授权是重点,因为它被认为是推动访问以及能力。本篇美国代写论文文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The best mode to use the benchmarks is to set up digital councils and libraries that spread awareness and are at the local reach for the advantage of consumers. United Nations has also initiated volunteers programs where people with better abilities help others to gain access to the connection and volunteers online to help the citizens on a global basis (Noris, 2001). The citizens might receive knowledge as well as other returns. Gates Foundation is introduced digital libraries where empowerment is focused as it is believed to drive access as well as ability.
The aforementioned modes have perhaps developed the conditions of underdeveloped countries like Africa, Bangladesh and developing countries like India and Egypt. These modes also guarantee for an effective use of the technologies to control the digital divide and to bring communities closer through a digital connection. When people are empowered, a possibility is seen to increase the ability and access of connectivity to those groups of people. This is a way by which the digital divide can be reduced at a global level.
The identified benchmarks are known to have three major impacts:
– Social inclusion
– Economic upliftment
– Global togetherness (James, 2004)
When the countries are aware of the technologies open to them along with ease of infrastructure setup, an increased scope for usage by everyone is seen without taking their racial or economic backgrounds into consideration. This is a way to achieve social inclusion and reduce the knowledge divide. As knowledge divide is reduced, it paves way for economic upliftment. More users are advantageous from such technologies. This medium is used to achieve economic growth of the nation through platforms like e-commerce and e-learning. The ultimate result is the connectivity of people across the globe under one roof. When global togetherness happens, the disparities decrease.


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