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美国代写论文价格 : 成本核算的技术因素

美国代写论文价格 : 成本核算的技术因素

成本核算是在企业组织中用来衡量和记录成本要素的过程或程序。成本是决定企业成败的首要因素。企业组织中的成本管理是主要考虑的问题。有不同类型的成本计算技术可以用来记录和呈现不同组织的成本(Upadhye, 2014)。成本计算技术是用来计算或计算产品成本的。采用成本计算技术取决于许多因素,这些因素如下:





美国代写论文价格 : 成本核算的技术因素


美国代写论文价格 : 成本核算的技术因素

Costing is the process or procedure that is used measure and record cost element in the business organisation. Cost is the prime factor that decides success and failure of the business organisation. Cost management in the business organisation is major consideration. There are different types of costing techniques that can be used to record and present cost of different organisation (Upadhye, 2014). Costing techniques are used to calculate or work out their product cost. Adoption of costing technique depends on many factors these factors are as follows:
Nature of business (manufacturing, service industry, retail, wholesale, etc)
Business operations that it undertakes during the year
Volume of transaction that business has during the reporting period
Size of business organisation also influence selection of costing technique

美国代写论文价格 : 成本核算的技术因素

Batch Costing: When goods or products are produced in single run of manufacturing unit then it is known as production in batch. In order to calculate per unit cost of units or products, total cost incurred on batch is divided by no of units manufactured. Mal ltd can use this costing technique since they has one single unit where they grow flowers and then calculate per flower cost by dividing cost incurred on production unit by no of flowers grown.


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