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Motivation is of the utmost essentiality and is a crucial component of the entire process of management. This is a tool which can be utilized in a fruitful manner to encourage employees in order to ensure organizational objectives are achieved through positive contribution. Motivation takes the utmost important place because the nature of human beings is such that they require certain type of encouragement or inducement so as to perform better. Many benefits are offered by motivation to firms and also to individual employees. This in turn illustrates the significance of employee motivation. From this perspective, it acts as a tool to improve the employee’s performance who works across distinct levels.
The aim lies broadly in exploring the impact of motivation on the performance of employees working in any workplace.
The objective lies in identifying the factors that result in encouraging the behaviour of positive nature through motivation between employees. This in turn results in developing a service for customers of most utmost nature and helps in management of resources as well as credibility in the workplace.
The key or primary research question lies in:
What is the influence of motivation on individual performance in workplaces?
The secondary questions of research are as follows:
What are the ways by which employee motivation is possible in workplaces?
Are all these motivational techniques equally successful?
What impact is caused by motivation on performance of employees?
Method and Sampling


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