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本文讲的是测量纵向焦距和值,偏振光被设置为来自光源的光。实验选用的光源为氦氖激光光源。光源的长度约为632.8 nm。这个光源将偏振光直接照射到样品上。计算了这一点的入射角。在入射光束下,样品中的线偏振光将被反射。这是在入射角下的样本。所使用的偏振器是一种确保光束垂直性质的偏振器。光被偏振光,使之垂直于入射面。因此入射的波矢将跨越它,它也被镜面反射波矢跨越。本篇美国代写论文文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The polarized light is set to shine from the light source. The light source that is chosen from the experiment is that of the HeNe laser source. The length of the source is about 632.8 nm in length. This source will shine polarized light directly into the sample. The incident angle at this point is calculated. Linear polarized light in the sample under the incident beam will be reflected. This is a sample taken under the incident angle. The polarizer used is one that ensures the perpendicular nature of the beam of light. The light is polarized such that it is perpendicular to the plane of incidence. The wave vector which is incoming will hence span it and it is also spanned by the specular reflected wave vector.
The sample to be assessed is the one that is placed in the center of the pole pieces. It is placed on a holder as placing it on the holder would help in arranging its alignment accordingly. The rotations are in fact controlled as well. A stepping motor might be used too. A quadrupole magnet might be used in the context of identification. An important element to understand in the case of magnetic field generation is how each of the pole pieces are quite independent of one another. They intersect at a position angle and this form of intersection is instrumental in the magnetic field equaling 3000,
The configuration that is presented in the given study is one that is versatile. The external magnetic field can be applied to any direction as well. While some experimental configurations aim at robustness where the changes to external magnetic field and form of application are not given that much importance, rather the application is understood as happening within the magnetic projections, in the case of this configuration, a more flexible format is used.


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