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本文主要是关于酒店管理人员素质测量的解释,酒店管理人员素质的测量可以解释为以下几点,这些说明是围绕行业的。守时和工作质量是非常重要的,因为它体现了参与工作的员工适当的效率和热情的特点(Ivancevich和Konopaske, 2013)。如果在工作场所的员工中发现了这些个人习惯,那么管理人员就可以解决这些坏习惯。减轻这些问题是至关重要的,因为它决定了加强研究的适当职能。检查他们的态度和个人陈述将使员工以适当的专业性陈述来操作工作(Nankervis等,2016)。本篇美国大学论文文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The measurement of the quality in the staffs involved in the hospitality management can be explained illustrating the following points which are illustrated to be revolving the industry. Punctuality and the quality of the work are very much important as it shows the appropriate efficiency and the enthusiastic characteristics in the employees involved in the work (Ivancevich and Konopaske, 2013).Observing the personal habits will enable the management to resolve the bad habits if it is notified in the employees involved in the workplace. The mitigation of these issues is essential as if it is determining the appropriate function for the enhancement of the study.Checking their attitudes and the personal presentation will enable the employees to be operating the work with the appropriate presentation of professionalism (Nankervis et al., 2016).
The quality assurance is indicated as the most important measurement in the quality management, and without this, the hospitality industry will not function properly. The importance of this factor can be easily determined by illustrating the functions as it is explained in the form of the teachings and the learning provided to the employees during their training periods. The field work can be determined to be conducted with quality if the training conducted by the management of the hospitality industry is up to the top level. This will enhance the customer attraction, and the increment of the demand can be easily seen in this case (Scholz and Zentes, 2006).
Since the consistency and the customer service are essential for the management of the industry, the two keys must be appropriately involved by showing the involvement of the services as it is explained in this case (Boxall and Purcell, 2010). The caring of the customer service with the quality is determined to be illustrating the gaining of the attraction for the purpose of showing the enhancement of the study. This is simply explaining the merits and the demerits as it is explained in the form of illustrating the services provided to the customers. The satisfaction gained by the customers will explain the management of the work as it is continued by the hospitality industry (Schuler and Jackson, 2007). This will be explaining the consistency and the customer services as it is explained by illustrating the formation of the process involved in maintaining the customer satisfaction.


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