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本篇文章讲述的是影子银行,加拿大的影子银行体系不同于美国、英国或其他欧洲国家。相比之下,美国或英国的影子银行体系规模较小。除此之外,约60%的贷款由国家住房管理局抵押贷款支持证券(NHA mortgage backed securities)持有。因此,在加拿大观察到的影子银行负债据计算约为2790亿美元。本篇美国传媒学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The shadow banking system which is followed in Canada is different from the one in US, UK or other European nations. The shadow banking system in US or UK is smaller in comparison. In addition to this, around 60 % of the same is accounted by the NHA mortgage backed securities. Thus, the shadow banking liabilities which have been observed in Canada have been calculated to be around $279 billion.
From this, it can be clearly analyzed that this can also represent a majority of risks involved. In Canada, the related risk is on the basis of short term and long basis. In case there is a risk, it lies in the NHA MBS market which can be tied to the broader (Gravelle et al, 2013).
That the involved magnitude of type of risk varies across the globe may be because of the varying degrees of the market size, the sophistication and integration of the shadow banking into the broader financial markets. The shadow banking system in Canada depends on the risk which is directly tied to the problems related to the household debt. In contrast of the US, UK and Europe, it appeared that the shadow banks are a system which consists of a large cross border capital flows and exposure to the counterparty which makes them inextricable from each other ( Adrian, 2010).
In Canada, there are different entities which are partially included in the funding markets on which shadow banks depends on. With regards to some of the major components, they represent a majority of risks. The markets which may be related asset based securities are the one in which there are asset based commercial paper.
This was the case which is most important for the origination and securitization of the poor-quality assets. In general, there are repos and short term papers which were the critical instruments that are used by the companies for different types of reasons such as overnight meeting and cash deficits. It was important that the non-depository credit based intermediaries must be equivalent to the non-bank finance companies.


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