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Leadership alignment in the case of change management is a multifaceted element. Primarily the leadership of the organization must be aligned towards change management. Organizational preparedness must exist at the top notch levels in order for the change management process to be successful. The leadership should have clarity on what is wanted from the change management process and also what could be the right purpose, the right message to deliver to the involved employees and more. A strategic alignment is required in that, the leader is aware of the philosophy and culture of the company (Gill, 2003).
Sometimes it could so happen that the leadership itself would be lacking when it comes to strategic alignment. This is because of the presence of internal politics in the company. Alignment here might not exist because the company consensus might be difficult to reach. In such cases companies might not be able to change fast enough, the leader would have to change based on situational politics and would neither be aligned to objectives nor would they be able to align the employees with respect to the objectives. Where the employees are all not aligned to change then the change momentum is lost.
Resources applied towards change are lost and time and money too. In the context of leadership alignment, it is also imperative that the leadership share such knowledge and capital resources as is needed for the company to sustain. Leadership teams within the organization must be aligned such that they are jointed and not disparate. A convergence of intelligence will be possible hence. A Forbes report on why change management alignment can be headed by a leadership where intelligence is shared as capital states that,
“Change management is a challenge when leaders across the organization are not willing to share their intellectual capital for the betterment of a healthier whole. In order words, leaders hold-on to the intelligence that has defined their success – perhaps indicating a hidden agenda – rather than share their success and insights with others to strengthen the intellectual capital foothold of the organization – so that it can more effectively grow and compete” (Llopis, 2014).


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