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本文的主要内容是关于知识共享,Ford et.(2001)的研究表明,知识共享是在多文化的框架下,在组织内从个人到他人的知识传播过程(Caganova et al., 2015)。这尤其受到语言障碍的影响。虽然他们描述了一些知识在被调查的两组之间以直接的方式或双语者的方式转移,但由于不能清晰地表达第二语言知识,在翻译时没有发现很多知识。事实上,问题不在于语言类型的不同,而在于流利程度的不同。本篇洛杉矶论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

According to research conducted by Ford et. (2001), it has been revealed that sharing knowledge is the process of knowledge dissemination from an individual to other within the organization with multicultural framework (Caganova et al., 2015). This is especially affected through barriers of language. While they depicted that certain knowledge was transferred between 2 groups under investigation either in direct manner or by a bilingual person, much knowledge was not found when translating because of the incapability for articulating the second language knowledge. The problem actually is not the presence of distinct types of languages but the distinct fluency levels.
Such a situation can be improvised through emphasis being put over active skills of listening, being patient and acknowledging employees support as well as understanding when trying to learn some other language within workplaces. Apart from this, differences of cross culture nature will influence the way in which knowledge flows across suggestion and solution for a problem (Stewart, 2015). A nation which has higher power distance where the superiors are of the expectation to act in an autocratic manner without their subordinates consultation have more likeliness of having instruction of top-down nature and flow of knowledge. On the contrary, a nation with low power distance in tur embraces higher knowledge diversity flow from the bottom to top, top to bottom and in lateral basis as well.
There further exists a subtle difference existing between flow of knowledge across and in between the groups of cross culture. In the study by Ford and Chan, flow of knowledge between groups of cross cultural nature have a tendency of falling along lies of formality and were related to business. In brief, as individuals have a dependence over knowledge of cross cultural nature for doing their tasks, appropriate flows of knowledge are developed for satisfying such a requirement. Cultural differentiations, however have more evidence within the groups and in between groups of cross-culture nature which had an informal outlook.
In order to be able to motivate sharing of knowledge according to Jana (2011), organizations need to start facilitating an environment of friendly work and offers much opportunities for communicating and getting to acknowledge each other external to the workplace such as events of sporting (Seymen, 2015). Internal to the workplace, it is also essential according to Peter (2010), to create an environment wherein boundaries are broken down literally between the staff of cultural diversity (Silverman, 2012). An example can be quoted here that there should be any doors within offices. It should, architecturally provide a place that motivates forms of communication such as presence of central work space circular lounges. This in turn results in creating an atmosphere where it is possible physically and easy to go up to a supervisor and collage for talking over issues.


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