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In a similar way, there are automated sentry guns that take aim and fire at targets. They can be used in those military contexts where loss of life is imminent. This automatic detect and destroy style of guns would help save many lives from danger as it can detect short range missiles and enemy aircrafts and gun them down. Unmanned aerial vehicles called as BAE systems Taranis are being used extensively at this time. The BAE systems Taranis are a drone that has been developed with the purpose of increasing aerial surveillance in quality and quantitative.
Pilots need not take the risk of flying over enemy countries for taking footage in the enemy territory. They might get gunned down. Here AI and trained human operators both go hand in hand for sustained surveillance. While there are many developments to be completed with the Taranis, the stealth drone is anticipated to fly with a wingspan of near 10 meters and a speed of 700 mphs. This flies pilotless but still AI is not given complete autonomy as there is an operator controlling it at the same time. Similarly, consider the Google Alpha Dog. This was developed as a quadrupled soldier that would be able to carry around 400 pounds of food or more as supplies for soldiers. It follows the troops and walks with them relieving them of their burden. However, it is automated such that it has to respond to the commands of the troops. It has to follow them and responds to their command change.
In each of these cases, the AI system has been used in existing weaponry such as the radar guns, homing missiles, the Alpha Dog and the Taranis drone. In each of the uses, it can be identified that the weaponry system by itself is separate, and the AI is only used as guidance or an intelligent sensor tracker, voice recognition or some other. This form of use gives direct benefits for the users and the users are benefitted by protection from enemy threats. The working furthermore is controlled by the humans so there are no ethical issues associated with the AI working here.


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