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As per the lesson one of the author, the ego gets in the way of the happiness by constantly waiting and this is being accessed by the author with focusing on the wealth, look and the social status of the individual. This represents the creation of drama and the worries in the minds of the people by which the person loses its temper. Due to this reason, the mental stability can be achieved by individual people with the removal of the ego from their mind. The second lesson depicts that the ego drives the path of the person to achieve the greater things, but this perception cannot succeed the achievement of the individual. For the success of the achievements, Buddhists thoughts are being included for the achievement of concentration in mind and the removal of the wrong approaches and the thoughts can be easily seen in the person.

The creativity and the productivity also increase by achieving the concentration (News, paras.1-11).The third lesson depicts that the meditation can be made useful by the help of the fourth habitual response. The ego must be tamed for the achievement of the stable mind state, and the judging becomes easier for the person for making the appropriate decisions. The characteristics of the habitual responses include “we want it, we reject it, and we zone out.” The physical pains are urged with transferring the emotions and also the bad emotions can be removed from the mind with the negative thoughts. Therefore, by these three lessons, the author provided the solution for the achievement of the stable mind and led a healthy life throughout the lifespan of the person.

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